George Stokes

Stokes, George

Sir George Gabriel Stokes, 1st Baronet, an Irish mathematician, physicist, politician and theologian, spent all of his career at University of Cambridge serving as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics from 1849 until his death in 1903. Stokes made seminal contributions to fluid dynamics, optics, and mathematical physics. 

Biographical Overview

Born in Ireland, 1819-1903 Physicist Co-founder of fluid mechanics engineering. established Stokes’ law, theorem, line, number, relations, shift and Navier–Stokes equations


Victoria Institute (evangelical association), president

British and Foreign Bible Society, vice president

Royal Society. secretary and president


Smith’s Prize, 1841

Rumford Medal, 1852

Copley Medal, 1893


Using a biblical worldview perspective, Stokes successfully applied the scientific method to investigate the laws of nature,  His worldview is notable from what he said in “On Science and Revelation

“We shall admit that the book of Nature and the book of Revelation come alike from God, and that consequently there can be no real discrepancy between the two.”

“… we are lead to believe in a Being who is the Author of Nature. A conclusion so important to mankind in general is not left to be established as the result of investigations which few have the leisure and ability to carry out.”

“Now, the primary object of the establishment of the Victorian Institute was to examine questions as to which there was a prima facie appearance of conflict between the conclusions of science and the teachings of revelation. In order that such examination may be usefully carried out it must be undertaken in an impartial spirit with a readiness honestly to follow truth wherever it may lead.”

George Stokes